The best way to predict your future is to create it, life without vision is disaster waiting to be unleashed, when you have no vision and place in life, displacement is inevitable...the year is still fresh, what are your vision and plan, LEARN SOMETHING, BUILD ON YOUR SELF AND BE SKILLFUL, remember is only those that are SKILLFUL that are MARKETABLE and when you are MARKETABLE VALUE is placed and can never LACK or EMPTY in your POCKET above all know your GOD.....Stay Blessed
The best way to predict your future is to create it, life without vision is disaster waiting to be unleashed, when you have no vision and place in life, displacement is inevitable...the year is still fresh, what are your vision and plan, LEARN SOMETHING, BUILD ON YOUR SELF AND BE SKILLFUL, remember is only those that are SKILLFUL that are MARKETABLE and when you are MARKETABLE VALUE is placed and can never LACK or EMPTY in your POCKET above all know your GOD.....Stay Blessed
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