ترقية الحساب


President Idi Amin once wanted to change the name of Uganda to "Idi".

Except for one man, Maliyamungu, everybody else who was close to him feared to challenge that decision!

Maliyamungu said to him, "Your Excellency Sir, have you heard of a country called 'Cyprus'?"

With a surprised look, Amin asked, "What has Cyprus got to do with my decision to change our country's name to 'Idi'?"

Maliyamungu said, "Well, the people of Cyprus are called *Cypriots.*

If you change Uganda to 'Idi', all of us, including you, will be called *'Idiots'!*

So, please, let's maintain our current name!"

Idi Amin said, "Aaah...! Maliyamungu! You are very intelligent! In fact, more intelligent than everyone in Uganda except me!

Let's leave it!"

He could have lost his life for expressing his view, and we would have had idiots as fellow Africans.

Even now, don't keep your views to yourself. Express yourself.

Remember that even the dead clock is correct twice daily.
*YOUR MINORITY VIEW CAN SAVE THE DAY, DON'T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF* President Idi Amin once wanted to change the name of Uganda to "Idi". Except for one man, Maliyamungu, everybody else who was close to him feared to challenge that decision! Maliyamungu said to him, "Your Excellency Sir, have you heard of a country called 'Cyprus'?" With a surprised look, Amin asked, "What has Cyprus got to do with my decision to change our country's name to 'Idi'?" Maliyamungu said, "Well, the people of Cyprus are called *Cypriots.* If you change Uganda to 'Idi', all of us, including you, will be called *'Idiots'!* So, please, let's maintain our current name!" Idi Amin said, "Aaah...! Maliyamungu! You are very intelligent! In fact, more intelligent than everyone in Uganda except me! Let's leave it!" He could have lost his life for expressing his view, and we would have had idiots as fellow Africans. Even now, don't keep your views to yourself. Express yourself. Remember that even the dead clock is correct twice daily.
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