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  • *💁🏻‍♂️Everyone is 2024 today*

    Do you know that today the whole world is of the same age.! Today is a very special day and comes once every one thousand (1,000) years.

    Your age + Your Year of birth, Everyone = 2024

    It is so strange that even experts cannot explain it.!

    You should check it out and see that it is 2024.

    Been waiting for thousands of years!

    My age is 37.
    I was born in the year 1987.
    So 37+1987= 2024

    Use your age this year.

    I was born in 1951 and I am 73 years old.
    1951 +73=2024

    🙋🏻‍♂️Very interesting..
    Try it.
    *💁🏻‍♂️Everyone is 2024 today* Do you know that today the whole world is of the same age.! Today is a very special day and comes once every one thousand (1,000) years. Your age + Your Year of birth, Everyone = 2024 It is so strange that even experts cannot explain it.! You should check it out and see that it is 2024. Been waiting for thousands of years! Example: My age is 37. I was born in the year 1987. So 37+1987= 2024 Use your age this year. Example: I was born in 1951 and I am 73 years old. 1951 +73=2024 🙋🏻‍♂️Very interesting.. Try it. 😊
    ·252 Ansichten

    President Idi Amin once wanted to change the name of Uganda to "Idi".

    Except for one man, Maliyamungu, everybody else who was close to him feared to challenge that decision!

    Maliyamungu said to him, "Your Excellency Sir, have you heard of a country called 'Cyprus'?"

    With a surprised look, Amin asked, "What has Cyprus got to do with my decision to change our country's name to 'Idi'?"

    Maliyamungu said, "Well, the people of Cyprus are called *Cypriots.*

    If you change Uganda to 'Idi', all of us, including you, will be called *'Idiots'!*

    So, please, let's maintain our current name!"

    Idi Amin said, "Aaah...! Maliyamungu! You are very intelligent! In fact, more intelligent than everyone in Uganda except me!

    Let's leave it!"

    He could have lost his life for expressing his view, and we would have had idiots as fellow Africans.

    Even now, don't keep your views to yourself. Express yourself.

    Remember that even the dead clock is correct twice daily.
    *YOUR MINORITY VIEW CAN SAVE THE DAY, DON'T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF* President Idi Amin once wanted to change the name of Uganda to "Idi". Except for one man, Maliyamungu, everybody else who was close to him feared to challenge that decision! Maliyamungu said to him, "Your Excellency Sir, have you heard of a country called 'Cyprus'?" With a surprised look, Amin asked, "What has Cyprus got to do with my decision to change our country's name to 'Idi'?" Maliyamungu said, "Well, the people of Cyprus are called *Cypriots.* If you change Uganda to 'Idi', all of us, including you, will be called *'Idiots'!* So, please, let's maintain our current name!" Idi Amin said, "Aaah...! Maliyamungu! You are very intelligent! In fact, more intelligent than everyone in Uganda except me! Let's leave it!" He could have lost his life for expressing his view, and we would have had idiots as fellow Africans. Even now, don't keep your views to yourself. Express yourself. Remember that even the dead clock is correct twice daily.
    ·501 Ansichten
    ·164 Ansichten
  • Hey everyone! Today, let's talk about a crucial skill for any relationship: communicating without starting arguments.
    Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. This simple means, having those tips to help you communicate better and avoid unnecessary conflicts is a must skills to have.

    Before responding, make sure you truly understand what your partner is saying. This means listening without interrupting and reflecting back what you heard.

    By now you should know that - Words have power. Be mindful of the language you use, and avoid blame or accusations. Instead of saying, "You never listen to me," try, "I feel unheard when we talk.

    Even when discussing something upsetting, keep your tone calm and your words respectful. If you feel yourself getting angry, take a moment to breathe and collect your thoughts.
    Stick to the current topic and avoid bringing up past grievances. This helps keep the conversation productive and focused on finding a solution.

    Express your feelings and needs using "I" statements. For example, "I feel stressed when the house is messy" is less likely to provoke defensiveness than "You never clean up.
    Relationships are about give and take. Be willing to find a middle ground and make compromises where needed.

    Non-verbal cues can speak louder than words. Maintain open body language, make eye contact, and avoid crossing your arms or looking away.

    Choose a time when both of you are calm and not distracted. This shows respect for the importance of the conversation and increases the chances of a positive outcome.

    By mastering these communication skills, you can strengthen your relationship, avoid unnecessary arguments, and create a more harmonious connection with your partner. Remember, the goal is to understand each other better and work together as a team.

    Thanks and don't forget to like and share if you found this helpful!
    Hey everyone! Today, let's talk about a crucial skill for any relationship: communicating without starting arguments. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. This simple means, having those tips to help you communicate better and avoid unnecessary conflicts is a must skills to have. Before responding, make sure you truly understand what your partner is saying. This means listening without interrupting and reflecting back what you heard. By now you should know that - Words have power. Be mindful of the language you use, and avoid blame or accusations. Instead of saying, "You never listen to me," try, "I feel unheard when we talk. Even when discussing something upsetting, keep your tone calm and your words respectful. If you feel yourself getting angry, take a moment to breathe and collect your thoughts. Stick to the current topic and avoid bringing up past grievances. This helps keep the conversation productive and focused on finding a solution. Express your feelings and needs using "I" statements. For example, "I feel stressed when the house is messy" is less likely to provoke defensiveness than "You never clean up. Relationships are about give and take. Be willing to find a middle ground and make compromises where needed. Non-verbal cues can speak louder than words. Maintain open body language, make eye contact, and avoid crossing your arms or looking away. Choose a time when both of you are calm and not distracted. This shows respect for the importance of the conversation and increases the chances of a positive outcome. By mastering these communication skills, you can strengthen your relationship, avoid unnecessary arguments, and create a more harmonious connection with your partner. Remember, the goal is to understand each other better and work together as a team. Thanks and don't forget to like and share if you found this helpful!
    ·739 Ansichten
  • Always remember this. In all you do, Don't forget!

    1. Your passion is your obsession, Be careful what you're Passionate about.

    2. You don't have forever. Time ticks per second.

    3. Everyone won't understand you, It's fine. Don't fuss it.

    4. Anything is possible. The good, the bad and the ugly. Watch your decesion.

    5. You can do without those who don't support you. It's you against you. Make your dreams come alive.

    6. You can't satisfy everyone. Stop laying your life down. Build limits.

    7. People can judge you from the place of their insecurities. That's just how they are. Don't bother.

    8. Don't ditch on your dreams because of people. If you fail, They win. If you succeed, They come around.

    9. If you fail, start again. You can hit your hallmark after 99 fails.

    10. Take care of yourself. You are all you've got primarily.

    I hope this strikes a cord?
    There are Lessons, Pick it.

    Always remember this. In all you do, Don't forget! 1. Your passion is your obsession, Be careful what you're Passionate about. 2. You don't have forever. Time ticks per second. 3. Everyone won't understand you, It's fine. Don't fuss it. 4. Anything is possible. The good, the bad and the ugly. Watch your decesion. 5. You can do without those who don't support you. It's you against you. Make your dreams come alive. 6. You can't satisfy everyone. Stop laying your life down. Build limits. 7. People can judge you from the place of their insecurities. That's just how they are. Don't bother. 8. Don't ditch on your dreams because of people. If you fail, They win. If you succeed, They come around. 9. If you fail, start again. You can hit your hallmark after 99 fails. 10. Take care of yourself. You are all you've got primarily. I hope this strikes a cord? There are Lessons, Pick it.
    ·787 Ansichten
  • Dark Truths that will Make You Stronger

    1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So, stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don't. Do the good things you have to do for your benefits.

    2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don't have discipline, you will never be committed to anything.

    3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you and no amount of excuses can do it for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day.

    4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn't something or someone around you. It is you.

    5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know.

    6. Failure is just a steppingstone on the road to success.

    7. You can't change the past, but you can still d£stroy your future if you repeat the mistakes.

    8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it's about who you become in the process.

    9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there.

    10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. Stop believing otherwise. If it was easy, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like them.
    Dark Truths that will Make You Stronger 1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So, stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don't. Do the good things you have to do for your benefits. 2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don't have discipline, you will never be committed to anything. 3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you and no amount of excuses can do it for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day. 4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn't something or someone around you. It is you. 5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know. 6. Failure is just a steppingstone on the road to success. 7. You can't change the past, but you can still d£stroy your future if you repeat the mistakes. 8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it's about who you become in the process. 9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there. 10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. Stop believing otherwise. If it was easy, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like them.
    ·1050 Ansichten
  • I create this and looking amazing #everyone
    I create this and looking amazing #everyone
    1 Kommentare ·263 Ansichten
  • The Keys to a Successful Marriage

    When you're caught up in the excitement of your wedding, it can be hard to imagine that you and your spouse might not live happily ever after. But sharing your life with another person can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have much relationship experience. Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful.

    A marriage based on love and respect doesn't just happen. Both spouses have to do their part. Below are some important keys to work on daily to make your marriage successful.
    Communicate clearly and often

    Talking with your spouse is one of the best ways to keep your marriage healthy and successful. Be honest about your feelings, but be kind and respectful when you communicate. Part of good communication is being a good listener and taking the time to understand what it is your spouse wants and needs from you. Keep the lines of communication open by talking often, and not just about things like bills and the kids. Share your thoughts and feelings.
    Tell your spouse that you're thankful for having them in your life

    Appreciate each other, your relationship, your family, and your lives together. Show gratitude when your partner cooks dinner, helps the kids with their homework, or does the grocery shopping. It may help to take a few minutes each evening to tell each other at least one thing you appreciated that day.
    Make time for you two as a couple

    With work and family responsibilities, it can be easy to lose the romance factor. Plan special dates, either to go out or just stay at home. If you have children, send them on a play date while you relax, talk, and enjoy each other's company.
    Plan for some personal time

    Alone time is just as important as couple time. Everyone needs time to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. That time is often lost when you're married, especially if you have kids. Go out with friends, take a class, or do volunteer work, whatever you find enriching. When you're back together with your spouse, you'll appreciate each other even more.
    Understand that it's OK to disagree

    You won't agree on everything, but it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. Listen to your spouse's point of view. Try not to get angry and don't let yourself become too frustrated. Walk away and calm down if you need to, then discuss the problem again when you're both in a better frame of mind. Compromise on problems so that you both give a little.
    Build trust

    Criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are serious threats to the success of a marriage. The more a couple engages in these destructive activities, the more likely they may divorce. Studies indicate that spouses who stay together know how to disagree or argue without being hostile and to take responsibility for their actions. They are also more likely to respond quickly to each other’s wishes to make up after fights and repair the relationship.
    Learn to forgive

    Everyone makes mistakes. Your spouse may hurt your feelings or do something that upsets you, and that may make you angry, or even furious. But it's important to deal with your feelings, let them go, and move on. Don’t keep bringing up the past.

    Remember to remain committed to your spouse, your family, and the life that you have built together. Support each other emotionally and in everyday ways. You, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years.
    The Keys to a Successful Marriage When you're caught up in the excitement of your wedding, it can be hard to imagine that you and your spouse might not live happily ever after. But sharing your life with another person can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have much relationship experience. Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. A marriage based on love and respect doesn't just happen. Both spouses have to do their part. Below are some important keys to work on daily to make your marriage successful. Communicate clearly and often Talking with your spouse is one of the best ways to keep your marriage healthy and successful. Be honest about your feelings, but be kind and respectful when you communicate. Part of good communication is being a good listener and taking the time to understand what it is your spouse wants and needs from you. Keep the lines of communication open by talking often, and not just about things like bills and the kids. Share your thoughts and feelings. Tell your spouse that you're thankful for having them in your life Appreciate each other, your relationship, your family, and your lives together. Show gratitude when your partner cooks dinner, helps the kids with their homework, or does the grocery shopping. It may help to take a few minutes each evening to tell each other at least one thing you appreciated that day. Make time for you two as a couple With work and family responsibilities, it can be easy to lose the romance factor. Plan special dates, either to go out or just stay at home. If you have children, send them on a play date while you relax, talk, and enjoy each other's company. Plan for some personal time Alone time is just as important as couple time. Everyone needs time to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. That time is often lost when you're married, especially if you have kids. Go out with friends, take a class, or do volunteer work, whatever you find enriching. When you're back together with your spouse, you'll appreciate each other even more. Understand that it's OK to disagree You won't agree on everything, but it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. Listen to your spouse's point of view. Try not to get angry and don't let yourself become too frustrated. Walk away and calm down if you need to, then discuss the problem again when you're both in a better frame of mind. Compromise on problems so that you both give a little. Build trust Criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are serious threats to the success of a marriage. The more a couple engages in these destructive activities, the more likely they may divorce. Studies indicate that spouses who stay together know how to disagree or argue without being hostile and to take responsibility for their actions. They are also more likely to respond quickly to each other’s wishes to make up after fights and repair the relationship. Learn to forgive Everyone makes mistakes. Your spouse may hurt your feelings or do something that upsets you, and that may make you angry, or even furious. But it's important to deal with your feelings, let them go, and move on. Don’t keep bringing up the past. Remember to remain committed to your spouse, your family, and the life that you have built together. Support each other emotionally and in everyday ways. You, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years.
    ·1290 Ansichten
  • Welcome to Yomen Cloud - Your African Social Network!

    Tired of being scattered across different platforms? It's time to bring everyone together on Yomen Cloud, the first-ever African social network designed for you and your loved ones. Connect, socialize, and thrive in a community tailored to your roots.

    Why Yomen Cloud?

    All-in-One Platform: Experience the power of a comprehensive social network with features like live streaming, event creation, video and audio calls, chat, groups, pages, and more – all in one place!

    Empowerment through VTU: Easily purchase airtime, and data, and pay light bills, and TV subscriptions right from the platform. Your convenience is our priority.

    Send Tips Anywhere: Support your friends and family by sending them tips directly through the platform. No more worries about funds being misused.

    Marketplace Magic: Buy and sell products and services hassle-free within the Yomen Cloud marketplace. Elevate your business and discover local treasures.

    Global Fundraising: Need support for your NGO, Foundation, or project? Utilize our GoFundMe system to connect with a broader audience and achieve your goals.

    Exclusive Pro Membership: Unlock extra features tailored to your needs with our Pro membership plans. Experience Yomen Cloud at its fullest potential!

    Referral Rewards: Invite your network to join Yomen Cloud and earn points that can be used within the platform or withdrawn to your local bank account.

    Monetize Your Talent: Showcase your creativity and make money! Monetize your content and turn your passion into a source of income.

    Tipping Made Easy: Want to show appreciation? Tip your family and friends through their profiles or content. It's as simple as a click!

    Join Yomen Cloud today and be part of the revolutionary African social network. Together, let's redefine connection and community. Please share this with friends and family. And help share on other social media platforms.
    🌍 Welcome to Yomen Cloud - Your African Social Network! Tired of being scattered across different platforms? It's time to bring everyone together on Yomen Cloud, the first-ever African social network designed for you and your loved ones. Connect, socialize, and thrive in a community tailored to your roots. ✨ Why Yomen Cloud? 📲 All-in-One Platform: Experience the power of a comprehensive social network with features like live streaming, event creation, video and audio calls, chat, groups, pages, and more – all in one place! 💰 Empowerment through VTU: Easily purchase airtime, and data, and pay light bills, and TV subscriptions right from the platform. Your convenience is our priority. 💸 Send Tips Anywhere: Support your friends and family by sending them tips directly through the platform. No more worries about funds being misused. 🛍️ Marketplace Magic: Buy and sell products and services hassle-free within the Yomen Cloud marketplace. Elevate your business and discover local treasures. 🌐 Global Fundraising: Need support for your NGO, Foundation, or project? Utilize our GoFundMe system to connect with a broader audience and achieve your goals. 🔐 Exclusive Pro Membership: Unlock extra features tailored to your needs with our Pro membership plans. Experience Yomen Cloud at its fullest potential! 🔄 Referral Rewards: Invite your network to join Yomen Cloud and earn points that can be used within the platform or withdrawn to your local bank account. 💰 Monetize Your Talent: Showcase your creativity and make money! Monetize your content and turn your passion into a source of income. 👏 Tipping Made Easy: Want to show appreciation? Tip your family and friends through their profiles or content. It's as simple as a click! Join Yomen Cloud today and be part of the revolutionary African social network. Together, let's redefine connection and community. Please share this with friends and family. And help share on other social media platforms.
    ·995 Ansichten
  • Don't expect people to be there for you, just because you're always there for them. Not everyone has the same heart like you.
    Don't expect people to be there for you, just because you're always there for them. Not everyone has the same heart like you.
    ·324 Ansichten