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  • The greatest investment you will ever make is the one in yourself. This statement underscores the critical importance of self-improvement and personal development.

    Unlike financial investments, which are subject to market fluctuations and external factors, investing in oneself yields returns that can endure and amplify over a lifetime.

    Personal investments can take many forms, such as education, skill development, health, and emotional well-being. These investments enhance our abilities, resilience, and adaptability, equipping us to navigate life's challenges more effectively and seize opportunities with greater confidence.

    Ultimately, by prioritizing our growth and self-care, we lay the foundation for a more fulfilling and successful life, enriching not just ourselves but also those around us.
    The greatest investment you will ever make is the one in yourself. This statement underscores the critical importance of self-improvement and personal development. Unlike financial investments, which are subject to market fluctuations and external factors, investing in oneself yields returns that can endure and amplify over a lifetime. Personal investments can take many forms, such as education, skill development, health, and emotional well-being. These investments enhance our abilities, resilience, and adaptability, equipping us to navigate life's challenges more effectively and seize opportunities with greater confidence. Ultimately, by prioritizing our growth and self-care, we lay the foundation for a more fulfilling and successful life, enriching not just ourselves but also those around us.
  • Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.

    Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all.
    Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all.
  • I feel like sharing this for someone today.


    Do not be surprised if, despite your kingdom stewardship, faithfulness, and good works, the following happen(s) to you.

    ✍🏼You lose your job, career, resources and maybe your health.

    ✍🏼People who ought to know better and support you become the ones making life more miserable and painful.

    ✍🏼Your spouse, kids and friends desert and or abandon you.

    ✍🏼Your closest friends and relations blame you for the challenges - overtly or covertly - continually.

    ✍🏼You feel like God - the all powerful - is very far and has abandoned you to your pains and problems.

    ✍🏼You are even looked down on, insulted and ridiculed by close and far friends and family.

    ✍🏼You are confused and not sure of what next to do.

    Ask Job. He suffered all these and much more.

    But, even when you are not seeing anything, remember that God is working behind the scene to perfect all that concerns you.

    Also, think on these:
    What if God allowed the challenges to refine you and bring out the pure gold in you?

    What if God allowed them to use them to prepare you for the bigger assignment He has for you?

    What if God allowed it so that He could boost about you?

    What if God allowed it because He knows that double portion is coming?

    Always remember that
    Before the issue arose, God knew.
    While you are going through it, God knows.
    When you will come out like gold, God knows.

    Have faith in Him that knows everything and is ALWAYS FAITHFUL

    Stay blessed.
    I feel like sharing this for someone today. DO NOT BE SURPRISED IF… Do not be surprised if, despite your kingdom stewardship, faithfulness, and good works, the following happen(s) to you. ✍🏼You lose your job, career, resources and maybe your health. ✍🏼People who ought to know better and support you become the ones making life more miserable and painful. ✍🏼Your spouse, kids and friends desert and or abandon you. ✍🏼Your closest friends and relations blame you for the challenges - overtly or covertly - continually. ✍🏼You feel like God - the all powerful - is very far and has abandoned you to your pains and problems. ✍🏼You are even looked down on, insulted and ridiculed by close and far friends and family. ✍🏼You are confused and not sure of what next to do. Ask Job. He suffered all these and much more. But, even when you are not seeing anything, remember that God is working behind the scene to perfect all that concerns you. Also, think on these: ✅What if God allowed the challenges to refine you and bring out the pure gold in you? ✅What if God allowed them to use them to prepare you for the bigger assignment He has for you? ✅What if God allowed it so that He could boost about you? ✅What if God allowed it because He knows that double portion is coming? Always remember that 🎯Before the issue arose, God knew. 🎯While you are going through it, God knows. 🎯When you will come out like gold, God knows. Have faith in Him that knows everything and is ALWAYS FAITHFUL Stay blessed.
  • Creating valuable and engaging content is a key skill for personal branding, but it can also be challenging to maintain a consistent and productive workflow. How do you avoid burnout, procrastination, and creative blocks? How do you plan, execute, and optimize your content strategy?

    Maintaining consistency demands a well-thought-out content strategy. Without a plan, it's easy to experience burnout. Typically, I repurpose my video content and share brief pieces while concurrently developing more in-depth material. Researching and educating my audience is my passion. However, what truly benefits me is a balanced approach. Additionally, I relish gaining insights from others, often.
    Creating valuable and engaging content is a key skill for personal branding, but it can also be challenging to maintain a consistent and productive workflow. How do you avoid burnout, procrastination, and creative blocks? How do you plan, execute, and optimize your content strategy? Maintaining consistency demands a well-thought-out content strategy. Without a plan, it's easy to experience burnout. Typically, I repurpose my video content and share brief pieces while concurrently developing more in-depth material. Researching and educating my audience is my passion. However, what truly benefits me is a balanced approach. Additionally, I relish gaining insights from others, often.
  • The more people see and consume your online content, their belief in your brand, business, products, and services deepens. It can help them solve a specific problem and fulfill their desires. Consistent content creation and distribution is the way forward.

    It means producing content that is relevant to your target audience and aligns with their interests and needs. Consistency in content creation can manifest in many ways, including the frequency of content publication, the tone and style of content, the quality of visuals and graphics, and the topics covered.
    The more people see and consume your online content, their belief in your brand, business, products, and services deepens. It can help them solve a specific problem and fulfill their desires. Consistent content creation and distribution is the way forward. It means producing content that is relevant to your target audience and aligns with their interests and needs. Consistency in content creation can manifest in many ways, including the frequency of content publication, the tone and style of content, the quality of visuals and graphics, and the topics covered.
  • What is GRIT?

    The concept of GRIT can be explained in terms of perseverance. Only perseverance will lead to high achievement. A high achiever never believes that they will ever reach their goals, they are always striving more, and are the exact opposite of complacent, constantly unsatisfied.

    But in a weird way, being unsatisfied and constantly chasing more is satisfying to them. Someone with true grit has enduring passion, they push through pain and frustration, giving up is simply not an option for them.

    "A combination of passion and perseverance makes high achievers special. High achievers have grit."
    What is GRIT? The concept of GRIT can be explained in terms of perseverance. Only perseverance will lead to high achievement. A high achiever never believes that they will ever reach their goals, they are always striving more, and are the exact opposite of complacent, constantly unsatisfied. But in a weird way, being unsatisfied and constantly chasing more is satisfying to them. Someone with true grit has enduring passion, they push through pain and frustration, giving up is simply not an option for them. "A combination of passion and perseverance makes high achievers special. High achievers have grit."
  • 5 Main Ideas You Should Know About Grit

    • Grit is about maintaining the same top-level goal for a very long time.
    • GRIT has four psychological assets: (1) interest (2) practice (3) purpose (4) hope.
    • Gritty people perform more deliberate practice and experience more flow.
    • For paragons of grit, the long days and evenings of toil, the setbacks and disappointments, and struggle, the sacrifice—all this is worth it because, ultimately, their efforts pay dividends to other people.
    • Often, the critical gritty-or-not decisions we make are a matter of identity more than anything else.
    5 Main Ideas You Should Know About Grit • Grit is about maintaining the same top-level goal for a very long time. • GRIT has four psychological assets: (1) interest (2) practice (3) purpose (4) hope. • Gritty people perform more deliberate practice and experience more flow. • For paragons of grit, the long days and evenings of toil, the setbacks and disappointments, and struggle, the sacrifice—all this is worth it because, ultimately, their efforts pay dividends to other people. • Often, the critical gritty-or-not decisions we make are a matter of identity more than anything else.
  • How to Effectively Correct Your Child without Ever Flogging Them or Yelling!

    Can you figure out why you yell or flog your child? If you’re like most parents, it’s to correct them for doing something wrong right? Or because the bible said “Spare the rod and spoil the Child? Now, how come they still repeat that same thing you yelled about or flogged them for?

    It is because the behavior has not been corrected in the first place. When you flog your child all in the name of correcting them, what you’re doing is pouring out your anger on them for disobeying you. You don’t flog because you want to correct…

    You flog and yell because you are angry and don’t know how else to let out your emotions hence you resort to violent means… It’s not your fault entirely. Our parents did the same thing because they didn’t know better But it is wrong and I’ll show you why…

    Let’s use ex-convicts as an example. They are sentenced to years in prison to supposedly correct the crime they committed. These people have been tortured badly in prisons for years.
    But we all know that when they are released, nothing about their past behavior changes.

    Most of them find themselves back in prison… If years in prison cannot stop an offender from repeating the offense, how do you then expect a few strokes to completely vanquish bad behavior? To my understanding, capital punishment does little or nothing to correct errors.

    What it does is make your child smarter not to get caught. He’ll even be afraid of coming up to you when he makes a mistake or is confused… Because he doesn’t want to be flogged or yelled at… Then when they are finally out of their shackles and into the university, they will now bring those behaviors to the public…

    Then you start going around saying that “My child has changed” and blame the society…
    I guess you don’t want this to be your portion. So the question is; How do you discipline effectively?

    The first thing you should do is “Understand that your kids will always be kids and are bound to make mistakes” To correct effectively, it’ll be very helpful if you find out the reason “why” they did what they did.

    Please don’t interrogate them.

    When you do, you’re giving them room to deny it or use the customary “I don’t know”
    This will make you angry so much and take away your focus from the behavior you’re trying to correct. What you should do instead is to try predicting possible reasons that made them do it.

    Then explain the consequences of the action and why what they did is wrong. And allow them to feel the consequences of their action. Let’s use a simple story as an example. Paige was playing with her friend when all of a sudden a fight ensues between the both of them.

    Her mom calls her inside and is very furious at her for fighting. After a few minutes, she tries to predict why she was fighting by saying “I understand that maybe your friend started the fight or did something wrong to you which led to the fight”.

    She acknowledges Paige’s frustration by saying “I understand that you were angry and it’s natural to react when somebody throws a fight at you or does something bad to you” She then explains the consequences by continuing.

    But you didn’t think about the fact that something really bad would have happened in the cause of the fight…that you could have injured her badly and she has to be taken to the hospital or vice versa, or that fighting will affect your friendship with her.

    Next time something like this wants to happen, think about what could happen if you fight with someone and move away. So for now, you won’t play outside until I am convinced that you have learned your lesson.

    By so doing, whenever Paige wants to get into a fight, she’ll remember that something bad could happen and so, decline. Plus she doesn’t want to be banned from playing outside again.
    Her mother has successfully corrected the behavior more effectively than any beating or yelling could have.
    How to Effectively Correct Your Child without Ever Flogging Them or Yelling! Can you figure out why you yell or flog your child? If you’re like most parents, it’s to correct them for doing something wrong right? Or because the bible said “Spare the rod and spoil the Child? Now, how come they still repeat that same thing you yelled about or flogged them for? It is because the behavior has not been corrected in the first place. When you flog your child all in the name of correcting them, what you’re doing is pouring out your anger on them for disobeying you. You don’t flog because you want to correct… You flog and yell because you are angry and don’t know how else to let out your emotions hence you resort to violent means… It’s not your fault entirely. Our parents did the same thing because they didn’t know better But it is wrong and I’ll show you why… Let’s use ex-convicts as an example. They are sentenced to years in prison to supposedly correct the crime they committed. These people have been tortured badly in prisons for years. But we all know that when they are released, nothing about their past behavior changes. Most of them find themselves back in prison… If years in prison cannot stop an offender from repeating the offense, how do you then expect a few strokes to completely vanquish bad behavior? To my understanding, capital punishment does little or nothing to correct errors. What it does is make your child smarter not to get caught. He’ll even be afraid of coming up to you when he makes a mistake or is confused… Because he doesn’t want to be flogged or yelled at… Then when they are finally out of their shackles and into the university, they will now bring those behaviors to the public… Then you start going around saying that “My child has changed” and blame the society… I guess you don’t want this to be your portion. So the question is; How do you discipline effectively? The first thing you should do is “Understand that your kids will always be kids and are bound to make mistakes” To correct effectively, it’ll be very helpful if you find out the reason “why” they did what they did. Please don’t interrogate them. When you do, you’re giving them room to deny it or use the customary “I don’t know” This will make you angry so much and take away your focus from the behavior you’re trying to correct. What you should do instead is to try predicting possible reasons that made them do it. Then explain the consequences of the action and why what they did is wrong. And allow them to feel the consequences of their action. Let’s use a simple story as an example. Paige was playing with her friend when all of a sudden a fight ensues between the both of them. Her mom calls her inside and is very furious at her for fighting. After a few minutes, she tries to predict why she was fighting by saying “I understand that maybe your friend started the fight or did something wrong to you which led to the fight”. She acknowledges Paige’s frustration by saying “I understand that you were angry and it’s natural to react when somebody throws a fight at you or does something bad to you” She then explains the consequences by continuing. But you didn’t think about the fact that something really bad would have happened in the cause of the fight…that you could have injured her badly and she has to be taken to the hospital or vice versa, or that fighting will affect your friendship with her. Next time something like this wants to happen, think about what could happen if you fight with someone and move away. So for now, you won’t play outside until I am convinced that you have learned your lesson. By so doing, whenever Paige wants to get into a fight, she’ll remember that something bad could happen and so, decline. Plus she doesn’t want to be banned from playing outside again. Her mother has successfully corrected the behavior more effectively than any beating or yelling could have.

    With this System, Members will open a YouTube channel (account) and every one of us will subscribe to each other's Channel, We will also watch videos of member's channel accounts.
    This will help members to increase their YouTube Channel Subscription, Watch hours, Views, and likes and also meet YouTube Monetization Requirements.

    This system will also help a lot of us to reach out to a million + Online Audience globally. Use this link to invite others, both friends and family members who would love to start a YouTube business and start making money like you will invite them.

    Both those who already have a YouTube channel are welcome, including those who would like to start, we will teach them as well on how to get started. Share this link as you join our Mentorship Group here on the most electrifying indigenous platform in the whole of Africa.


    We Hope to reach 1000 members as we fast-track our Success | Kindly share the link to invite others to join the group. Immediately you join, please drop your YouTube channel's link, and Channel's name so other members can start subscribing to your channel while you do the same. Thank you
    LET US TURN OUR PURPOSE INTO A PRODUCT, TO PROFIT | LET US REACH OUT TO THE WORLD | LET US MAKE MONEY ON THE YOUTUBE PLATFORM! With this System, Members will open a YouTube channel (account) and every one of us will subscribe to each other's Channel, We will also watch videos of member's channel accounts. This will help members to increase their YouTube Channel Subscription, Watch hours, Views, and likes and also meet YouTube Monetization Requirements. This system will also help a lot of us to reach out to a million + Online Audience globally. Use this link to invite others, both friends and family members who would love to start a YouTube business and start making money like you will invite them. Both those who already have a YouTube channel are welcome, including those who would like to start, we will teach them as well on how to get started. Share this link as you join our Mentorship Group here on the most electrifying indigenous platform in the whole of Africa. https://yomencloud.com//groups/AmadursMentorshipCommunity We Hope to reach 1000 members as we fast-track our Success | Kindly share the link to invite others to join the group. Immediately you join, please drop your YouTube channel's link, and Channel's name so other members can start subscribing to your channel while you do the same. Thank you
    Career Experience TV: An Innovative Growth Community
    This community is dedicated with full focus on ICT & Entrepreneurship to providing our past students and present ones with support and mentorship engagement for digital transformation which allows the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business models, which in turn...
  • #Growth #empowerment #Inspiration #Careerdevelopment #Entertainment

    Are you ready for an exhilarating journey of discovery and achievement?
    Your dream career is within reach. Together, let's redefine success, explore uncharted horizons, and turn your unique talents into triumphant stories.

    The digital realm offers boundless opportunities. Join our Online Opportunities segment to unlock diverse income streams, master marketable skills, and thrive in the vast online landscape.

    #Growth #empowerment #Inspiration #Careerdevelopment #Entertainment Are you ready for an exhilarating journey of discovery and achievement? Your dream career is within reach. Together, let's redefine success, explore uncharted horizons, and turn your unique talents into triumphant stories. The digital realm offers boundless opportunities. Join our Online Opportunities segment to unlock diverse income streams, master marketable skills, and thrive in the vast online landscape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbKqiXOd8p0
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